Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bosnian Cooking 101: Bosnian Salad

Summer is here! The farmer's markets are filled with new fruits and veggies, and I'm hoping to enjoy them as much as possible before I leave. One of the first things I fell in love with here was the markets. Their organic produce has much more flavor than anything I've eaten in the US. It's also much more affordable. I rarely spend more than 8 KM($6) on my produce for a week.

Because of this, one dish has consistently been a staple of my diet since I got here: Bosnian salad. My vegetarian roommate had done some research before arriving in Sarajevo and noticed a key difference between American and Bosnian salads: lettuce isn't necessary. She applied her research for our “Bosnian salad” early on and before we figured out how to work our stove (the markings had worn off). Here's a formal version of the recipe for your convenience. Ingredients have changed over time, as different vegetables have come in and out of season, but this is my favorite version.

tomato, paradajz
cucumber, krastavac
red bell pepper, crvena paprika
feta cheese, feta sir
olive oil, maslinovo ulje
red wine vinegar, vinski ocat
(or lemon juice, limon)
pepper, crni papar
oregano, origano

Combine equal parts chopped tomato, cucumber, pepper, and feta.
Lightly coat with olive oil and a minimal amount of vinegar or lemon juice.
Season with pepper and/or oregano to taste.
Stir until ingredients are mixed well.