There is a 2 mile path called Ilidža Alley that runs from Ilidža to this park and is lined with trees. Every time I'm there, I can't help but think of walking down Sheridan Road in Evanston. The path is paved, and every once in a while you have to step aside so a car can pass. You can also ride in a horse-drawn carriage if you're feeling lazy. I haven't done it yet though. Walking is a great workout, considering the fact that it take about 2.5 hours from my apartment.
The park itself consists grassy areas separated by forks in the river, which you can cross via wooden bridges. There is also a cafe where you can chill and order coffee and food. The source of the river is at the far end of the park. It's amazing that such a small trickle of water can produce such a large river. I have spent some time sitting on a bench and reading by this part of the park. Unfortunately, it has already started to get too cold for that, since a mountain blocks the sun by 2pm. The beauty of the mountain and fall foliage makes it completey worth it though.
The best part about the walk to the source is that I pass by my favorite restaurant on the way: Pizzaria Ildžis.
Outside, you can enjoy the cool air on your face and watch the stray puppies play a couple of feet from you on the grass.
Inside, you can enjoy all of the nick-nacks and warm up next to the fireplace.
The first thing we noticed when we went there was that there is a no kissing sign right by the entrance. I guess that means the restaurant is quite the romantic place. They have really good food too. Their pizza is fresh, their pancakes (read, crepes) delicious and their beer plenty. It's a good place for tourists to go, since there is no need to worry about not being able to communicate. All of the waitors speak English, and there is a translated menu.
Today marks the first real day of rehearsal that I've had since the Tchaikovsky concert, so I guess it's back to the grindstone. We went to Zenica on Saturday to perform the Bosnian opera, Hasanaganica, but then we had a few more days off before rehearsing Giselle this morning. Hopefully, I'll still be able to enjoy the outdoors during the few remaining days off (Slobodan dan) we have this month.
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